nixos-install to the rescue!
Over the last week I’ve been integrating sops-nix into my personal setup,
and to begin with I wasn’t trying to do anything fancy, just replace passwordHash
with a secret using passwordFile
in my user config.
users.users.brian = {
isNormalUser = true;
# passwordHash = "...";
passwordFile = config.sops.secrets.password.path;
After running sudo nixos-rebuild switch --flake .#
it didn’t take long to discover that the password for my user was no longer
working. I tried rolling back with sudo nixos-rebuild switch --rollback
as you do when things go wrong, and was
met with a password prompt… shit! 😰
I took a break, fired up the coffee machine, and by the time I was finished I had a cunning plan: restart and choose the previous generation on boot, problem solved :thumbs_up:.
Narrator: “He did, but it didn’t work.”
My next step was to spin up a live USB and poke around, but after an hour or so I was none the wiser. So I reached out to Mic92, the author of sops-nix (and just about everything else NixOS) and explained the situation.
nixos-install is idempotent usually
It took me a bit to work out what he was getting at.
With the live USB I had been able to unlock my disk and mount both my root filesystem /mnt
and boot /mnt/boot
This meant I could edit the bad config and revert back to using passwordHash
instead of passwordFile
users.users.brian = {
isNormalUser = true;
passwordHash = "...";
# passwordFile = config.sops.secrets.password.path;
At this point you might be asking “Ok that’s cool and all, but how are you going to apply this new config?”.
$ nixos-install --flake .#
Et voila! I rebooted my machine and once again all was good and right in the world.
So if you ever find yourself in a bit of a pickle and rollback just isn’t working, remember: nixos-install
can be your friend.